, The attorneys of Newman Williams PC ,

Basics of workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2020 | Pedestrian Injury

People in Pennsylvania work many different types of jobs in order to earn an income and support their families. These jobs have various requirements and demands. Some may have more inherent dangers involved in them than others as well. However, people working in any setting could get hurt while on the job. These injuries can be due to a workplace accident, from repetitive movement, long-term exposure to various chemicals and other factors as well.

These injuries can be very devastating for the victims as well. They may need to have surgeries, go through rehabilitation and may have other medical needs as they recover. These medical needs can result in significant medical bills. People also may not be able to work while they are hurt and lose income as well. So, people may be forced to deal with financial difficulties in addition to the physical difficulties associated with the injury.

People who are injured on the job may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits though. Most employers are required to pay these benefits to employees and many have insurance for that purpose. There are deadlines that the employee must meet though and a procedure they must follow in order to receive them.

These benefits can pay for all the medical bills associated with the injury. However, the employer may have the employee go to an independent medical provider to determine the extent of the medical needs for the injury. The benefits also pay for usually two-thirds of the employees’ income while they are unable to work. If they have a total, permanent disability these payments could be paid indefinitely.

There are many workers in Pennsylvania who are injured while working. If the injuries force the workers to miss time at work, it can create a very difficult situation for both the workers and their families who may not have enough money to meet their needs without the income. That is why workers’ compensation benefits are so important. Experienced attorneys understand this and may be able to help one receive what they deserve.



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