A homeowner who needs to sell a home for less than they owe may need to use a short sale to make it happen. This is an option for some homeowners who are having trouble keeping up with their mortgage payments but the property value is below the balance of that...
4 common mistakes when making a will
Arguably the most important legal document in an estate plan is the will. A will allows the testator to decide how their assets are managed after they pass away. An estate plan is often centered around the instructions in a will. As such, it is important not to make...
How removing medical debt from credit reports help Americans
Did you know that over half of the third-party debt on Americans’ credit reports has long been medical debt? Of course, once debt appears on a credit report, that person’s credit score can start to plummet. That affects not only whether they can qualify for needed...
Drug and alcohol testing can affect workers’ comp benefits eligibility
In many cases, qualifying for workers' compensation is a straightforward process. An employee simply needs medical proof or employment records showing that their condition is a direct result of their job. Employees in Pennsylvania can obtain benefits for both...
Understanding delayed injuries after a car accident
Car accidents can be traumatic and disorienting experiences. Often, the immediate focus is on visible injuries and immediate medical care. However, not all injuries are apparent right away. Some injuries may manifest hours, days or weeks after the accident. These are...
Why are older drivers more likely to be in serious car accidents?
The United States has an aging population – and that means that there are significantly more “senior” drivers (those 65 years of age and older) out there on the road than there used to be. Unfortunately, senior drivers aren’t always the safest. Despite the years of...
2 reasons a semi-truck may cause a rear-end accident
When another vehicle gets rear-ended by a semi-truck, it is those in the smaller vehicle that have the greatest odds of facing serious injury. In many cases, the driver of the semi-truck will be protected by the height and weight of their vehicle, and they will suffer...
Common reasons for workers’ compensation claim denials
Workers' compensation is designed to provide financial support for employees who are injured or become ill due to their jobs. However, not all claims are approved. Understanding the common reasons for workers' compensation claim denials can help you navigate the...
Why do those buying residential real estate need title insurance?
Buying residential real estate is a major commitment. The average home buyer invests as much as a third of their monthly income in mortgage payments and may diligently work for 30 years to pay off the principal balance on their home loan. Particularly if someone has...
The difference between inattentional and change blindness
Human perception is often misconstrued as recording the environment like a video camera. Nonetheless, this is not the case. Perception relies on multiple components; the eyes, the nerves and brain signals working together and painting a more complete picture. Vision...