In 2013, student members of Pi Delta Psi, Inc. traveled from their Baruch college campus in Manhattan to the Poconos. A ritual known as “The Crossing,” a gauntlet where members tackle and body-slam its members, killed a freshman. Prosecutors filed charges against the...
In Memoriam–Sam Newman
We regret to announce that our friend and colleague Sam Newman died this past Friday. Sam had an incredible legal intellect and was a major influence on not only the members of our firm but on our entire bar association and Monroe County as a whole. He was one of a...
Attorneys Geiger & Kidwell Teach Citizenship Class
Jerry Geiger and Bob Kidwell taught a citizenship class at the Hughes Library on April 18, 2019. The library offers a free class to prepare for the U.S. citizenship application and interview. It is an 8-week program open to permanent U.S. residents (green card...
Attorneys Geiger & Kidwell Teach Citizenship Class
Jerry Geiger and Bob Kidwell taught a citizenship class at the Hughes Library on April 18, 2019. The library offers a free class to prepare for the U.S. citizenship application and interview. It is an 8-week program open to permanent U.S. residents (green card...
Pennsylvania Bankruptcy FAQ’s
Consumer Bankruptcy FAQ’s Newman Williams provides Bankruptcy law services to the Eastern Pennsylvania area. Contact bankruptcy lawyer Vincent Rubino for a free case consultation. Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to Bankruptcy Law in...
Attorney Geiger to Speak at East Stroudsburg University
Although the U.S. Supreme Court famously said that that students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate,” the reality is somewhat different. In an age when schools are arming teachers, digital threats...
Geiger Running for 7th Judge Seat
NW Shareholder, Jerry Geiger is running for the 7th judge seat in Monroe County. His campaign announcement was recently reported in the Pocono Record. Jerry is the only candidate with extensive jury trial experience in both federal and state courts, from Philadelphia...
Attorney Jerry Geiger Announces Judicial Run
Stroudsburg attorney, Jerry Geiger, announced that he will run for Monroe County Judge. Geiger has practiced law in Monroe County since 1986 and is a shareholder at the Newman Williams law firm in Stroudsburg where he focuses his practice on civil litigation. He is a...
Driving in Pennsylvania with Snow & Ice on your Car Roof?
Route 80 Injuries While traveling on Route 80 in Smithfield Township, Monroe County, a chunk of ice flew off a tractor trailer. It crashed into the windshield of a car, severely injuring the passenger. The truck driver did not stop and the State Police will not likely...
Driving in Pennsylvania with Snow & Ice on your Car Roof?
Route 80 Injuries While traveling on Route 80 in Smithfield Township, Monroe County, a chunk of ice flew off a tractor trailer. It crashed into the windshield of a car, severely injuring the passenger. The truck driver did not stop and the State Police will not likely...