, The attorneys of Newman Williams PC ,

I-80 Reconstruction Project Open House on December 5, 2017

PennDOT announces 3rd Round Open House Meeting on December 5, 2017

80 Reconstruction Project

PennDOT advises that it will hold a third round open house for the I-80 Reconstruction Project at the Stroudsburg High School on December 5, 2017 from 5-7 p.m.

The public meeting will be an open house forum to review the project plans, including refined Phase 2 alternatives, and to ask questions or offer comments.

The event will give the community an opportunity to hear whether objections to the project have influenced the plans and provide insight into what properties will be affected by the highway expansion.

For further details on the project and to sign up for news alerts, see: www.i80project.com

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