, The attorneys of Newman Williams PC ,

Texting and Driving Hurts People

We Have No Tolerance for Distracted Drivers–Save the Texting for Later

Although many people know not to text while driving, it does not seem to have stopped them. It is a significant  public safety issue.

I had a recent eye doctor appointment and, although there was a sign saying no cell phones, I sat with a half dozen people, all of whom were on their phones. Cellphones have become the opiate of the masses.

Clients insist on taking calls during consultations and I attend meetings where participants insist on taking calls. Apparently, the person calling is more important than those of us in the meeting.

Each year 4,000 to 6,000 people are killed, and another 400,000-600,000 people are injured because of distracted driving. People can’t seem to put their phones down.

To put these numbers into perspective, about 280,000 people are injured each year from drunk driving. Texting is worse.

Every single second during daylight hours in the United States, there are 600,000 people driving a vehicle with a mobile device in their hands. Another incredible statistic is that each of these 600,000 distracted drivers who are looking down at their smartphone is spending an average of 3-5 seconds doing so. Traveling at 55 mph, that’s like traveling the length of a football field.

The problem of distracted driving is getting worse each day although I applaud Apple for incorporating into their iPhones a feature called “Do Not Disturb While Driving.”

People are getting hurt and families are losing loved ones. This reckless conduct needs to stop. Maybe the era of self-driving cars will stop this nonsense. Or maybe, people just need to take a break from their phones and talk to real people.


Help fix this problem and get involved. Share this important message with your family and friends. Visit EndDD.org and ItCanWait.com for more information and resources.

Some day, self-driving cars may fix the problem. Until then, we need to take a stand. When you get a text–it can wait.

~Jerry Geiger, Shareholder

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