Motorcycle accidents always poses special problems for attorneys.
- Was the rider wearing a helmet? And does it even matter?
- Were road conditions a factor in causing the accident (potholes, chip & tar paving…)?
- Are we dealing with a jury that thinks all riders are daredevils? (Don’t get me started).
- How do we deal with the rider who decided that the way to avoid the accident was to “lay it down?”
The typical “wisdom” is that motorcycle cases have less value because jurors believe that riders assumed the risk. Sorry, but that’s not the law. It’s also not the facts.
I’ll concede that these are hurdles. I don’t concede that if a jury is properly educated, they won’t understand that an injured rider is entitled to fair compensation. “I didn’t see him” just doesn’t cut it.
If you’ve been injured while riding and have questions about your case, we’d love to help. I’m a rider. I know what it is like out there and, if I can’t help you, I’ll find you someone who can.
And by the way, the Norton in the header to this post sure is beautiful. Nothing against Harleys or BMWs but I’d love to ride the Norton.
Jerry Geiger