To our clients and colleagues: Our physical office is closed but we’re still in operation. We’re just working remotely to protect the health of our lawyers, staff and clients. We’re writing briefs, speaking with clients and judges, and managing all the many deadlines that are part of practicing law. While many businesses in Pennsylvania are temporarily shut down by order of the Governor’s Office, we realize that the business of law necessarily does not stop. Your legal needs are important to us and during this temporary crisis, we’d be happy to speak with existing or new clients. We even have SKYPE and ZOOM capability if you’d like to speak with us by video conference call. Despite the partial shutdown, many courts are still in operation for special hearings, for emergency matters, and for issues that can be resolved by phone conference.
If you’d like to reach us, we’ve enabled call forwarding and have 24/7 access to our email. Feel free to give us a call at 570-421-9090 and access the company directory for the lawyer you’d like to reach.
Or, email us at either our personal email addresses listed on our website, or send a message to [email protected] and we’ll respond promptly.