According to an online survey from Netradyne, motorists in Pennsylvania and throughout the country share a growing sense that driving is becoming less safe. The survey polled 1,248 individuals who were over the age of 18, had a standard license and drove a car that was owned by themselves or someone in their family.
Distracted driving is a significant problem
Among those who took part in the survey, 82% said that distracted driving was becoming more common. The data shows that drinking a beverage of any kind was the most common distraction that motorists contended with. Furthermore, respondents were most likely to say that social media usage was the most dangerous form of distraction.
Drivers don’t necessarily see themselves as a danger
Although a majority of respondents said that driving was not as safe as it used to be, 91% said that they were safe drivers themselves. Only about half of those who took part in the study said that they could take steps to be a better driver. According to Netradyne, 20% of those who responded to the poll said that they had points on their license or were fined for violating traffic laws. Furthermore, a tangible minority of participants said that they had been involved in an accident that was caused by distracted driving.
People have limited faith in commercial drivers
Those who took part in the Netradyne survey were asked for their thoughts as it related to sharing the road with commercial drivers. A minority of those individuals said that commercial drivers were capable of transporting goods safely while roughly 20% believed that the opposite was true.
Motor vehicle accidents that are the fault of another driver have the potential to cause serious injuries that you might never recover from. An attorney might be able to help you obtain compensation for medical bills and lost wages incurred after the accident took place. It might also be possible to obtain a financial award to recoup lost future earnings or other damages related to an accident caused by another person’s negligent behavior.