You may have put your Pennsylvania home up for sale. At the moment, you may be waiting for someone to come along and buy it. When this person agrees to your terms, they become the buyer. When the sale is complete, it becomes known as a real estate transaction. There...
Understand a real estate closing
Whether buying or selling property in Pennsylvania, all parties participate in a closing. At the closing, the final steps to transfer ownership from the buyer to the seller occur. Several steps are involved, including simple ones such as presenting proper...
What to ask before investing in commercial real estate
Are you considering investing in commercial real estate in Pennsylvania? If so, it is important to make sure that you are really prepared before making an offer. You can do that by asking yourself certain questions. Do I know the market area? Every commercial real...
Overview and types of repetitive stress injuries
Workers' compensation in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, provides compensation for injured workers who can no longer perform their jobs. A common type of injury that workers face is repetitive stress injury, or RSI. Definition of repetitive stress injury Repetitive stress...
HIV and the ADA
Approximately 36,000 people live with HIV in Pennsylvania. They have the right not to experience discrimination in housing, education, employment, public accommodations, and many other areas. One of the ways that those rights are protected is the Americans With...
Could a smartphone cause an on-the-job accident?
Cellphone use could cause distractions and an accident. Upon making this statement to Pennsylvania workers, they may immediately think of car collisions. While phone use might lead to a car wreck, someone lost in texting or a conversation might cause an accident at...
The types of workers’ compensation benefits to help workers
Workers’ compensation benefits are vital to help keep injured workers and their families afloat while they are recovering from a workplace accident and workplace injury. Injured workers should be familiar with the different types of workers’ compensation benefits and...
Construction worker injured after on-the-job crane accident
In Stroudsburg and throughout Pennsylvania, blue collar workers who are in physically demanding jobs face the constant possibility of injuries in a work accident. Construction employees are at specific risk due to the requirements of their employment. They may be...